Anna Chepa
Anna is a Paralegal in our Dispute Resolution team. Having qualified as a Solicitor in Ukraine, graduating with a Specialist Diploma in Jurisprudence from the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs in 2006, Anna evacuated with her daughter during the war with her daughter and joined Moore & Tibbits in May 2023.
Anna’s areas of specialism whilst practising in Ukraine included business, corporate, criminal and litigation law, for 10 years of which she held the position of Head of the Legal Department in an international Corporation.
Wishing to develop her legal career here in England and to qualify as a Solicitor in this jurisdiction, Anna has commenced her studies and with a view to firstly improving her knowledge, use and skills in English Language has already achieved a Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, (CEFR) Certificate level B1 (Intermediate) In English Score Core Skills and is now undertaking further education with a view to gaining a GCSE in English Language and Literature.
Anna’s current role includes assisting the team with research, drafting articles for the Website, managing the Electronic Anti-money laundering checks, CE-filing and all other associated administrative tasks as required.
Anna speaks fluent Ukrainian and Russian
Out of the office Anna enjoys dancing, yoga, photography, reading, camping, knitting, and traveling. She is also involved in the making of uniforms for the Ukrainian Army.