Unfair Treatment at Work

If you feel you are being treated unfairly at work, it can be a hugely distressing and confusing time. Unfair treatment at work could be in the form of being bullied or harassed to simply being treated differently to your colleagues.

Unlawful direct discrimination is when you are being treated differently because of a protected characteristic such as age, disability, marriage, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and sexual orientation.
It is also unlawful to treat a worker unfairly or differently because they have complained about their employer or senior management or indeed if they are a trade union member. 

If you have been unfairly dismissed for any of these reasons, our specialist employment solicitors can advise you on the steps you may be able to take.  In these circumstances, it is important to seek legal advice as soon as possible as any claim must be started within 3 months, less 1 day of the alleged act taking place.

Less obvious unfair treatment at work could be when your employer applies a policy or rule for everyone but could put you at a disadvantage because of a protected characteristic.

Our employment solicitors have a wealth of knowledge and experience in unfair treatment at work and can provide you with confidential, sympathetic advice on your rights and the best course of action for your situation.

To discuss your case, please call our team on 01926 491181 or email:  employment@moore-tibbits.co.uk or for more information on grievance procedures and Employment Tribunals, please click on these pages on our website.


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